Knoema users rely on dashboards to monitor issues, market dynamics, and more with personalized combinations of data visualizations, images, and text.
Data visualizations used on dashboards are built on the basis of datasets, which are regularly updated. At Knoema, dashboards can be updated automatically to always reflect the latest data.
If you want your dashboard, map, or presentation to update automatically, you must consider for each chart whether you want to focus on a specific date range for the data (e.g., always show April 2007-May 2009) or an open-ended time range that will permit the system to always add new data (e.g., last N time periods, all data since 2007, etc.). In addition, you need to enable the update feature for your pages.
Building your dashboards with an eye toward auto-updating is important. Consider carefully the option you select in your time dimension when you create charts to support auto updates.

Range and Individual members options will specifically limit your data to your selection. As new data is added, the system will reflect your original selection only.
You can always edit the chart and simply select a new range or set of individual members. Or, you may choose not to change the chart because the chart or dashboard story reflects a specific moment in time.
Last N members, Since, and All data options by design will add data to the charts automatically as it becomes available (assuming you have set your dashboards to auto-update).
To make sure your dashboards can update automatically, from 'My Resources' in your left navigation panel, choose Pages: My Pages. Click the checkbox to permit the system to scan your pages and update them automatically.
Any dashboards that cannot be updated automatically will be flagged for you in Pages: Pending updates. Dashboards may use data that was discontinued or renamed by the data source, for example, and in these cases, you will need to create a new chart with available data.
You will also notice a yellow notification at the top of any dashboard that you've built that requires an update. You can choose to 'update' it or simply 'ignore' the message. You will be reminded again the next time you open the dashboard.