To create a news feed gadget with the list of datasets, click the button “Feed” in the empty placeholder.
Clicking the button will open an interface which will allow you to customize the feed options. To create an RSS feed, insert the link to a feed, for example BBC feed
You may customize the options to fit the rest of the Dashboard:
- Count is allowable links to load in the feed. It is also limited by the number of links in the feed itself. Lower bandwidths, already crowded pages, or small gadget boxes may require fewer links.
- Items per page sets how many links appear in each page.
- Text length defines the length (in symbols) of description text for each link.
- Show date button places the date the link was published (if available) underneath.
- Selecting the New window or Same window sets the links so that when clicked, they open in a new tab.
- Changing the setting on the dropdown toolbar from Vertical changes the organization of the links in the feed. Horizontal lists out each link left to right, while Columns arranges the text in two columns.
- Title color adjusts the font text for the link titles.
- Background style allows for a fill color behind the link text.
- Opacity adjusts the transparency of the background fill
Various services, like FetchRSS, allow users to create RSS feeds out of continuously updating web pages like Bing news search for "Sanctions". These links can also be input into the RSS gadget.