Nimble Mode is an advanced charting mode where secondary buttons and panels moved to special menu, and there is more place for visualization to display. This mode also gives ability to change color theme for visualization, since basic mode of dataset viewer uses Datahub theme by default.
New chart types
The key feature of Nimble Mode is ability to use additional options for charts that are not available in basic mode. New types are scatter and varywide charts. Selecting these new ones provides appearing of new button “chart settings”.
Scatter chart is quite similar to bubble chart, but this one has options to customize it in dataset viewer. Thus, this chart can show all timepoints instead of separate observations for each period on time bar, points can be labeled, connected within lines. Swapping axis is also available here. To build scatter chart one dimension should contain two elements selected as parameters for X and Y axis, and one dimension with elements that present observations.
Varywide chart is kind of bar chart with additional parameter connected with width of bars. Options here allows to swap axis and add labels to width parameter. Creating the chart is similar to scatter, one dimension presents observations, and one with two elements selected as Y and Z axis.