{Fields}—Text that the system automatically generates based on the names of dataset dimensions that the visualization is based on. Example: {Country}: {Series}, {Measure}. Automatically generated titles are required for Dashboard Parameterization.
Accessed On—The date that Knoema accessed the data on the Source Website.
Advanced Mode—A special editing mode offering calculation options and modification to the names of data series. It appears in the left panel of the Dataset Viewer and is represented by a Cog Icon.
Appearance—A tab in the Dataset Viewer that is only available when editing or customizing a visualization; includes all available options to customize a visualization.
Atlas—A topic-oriented organization of indicators, often with a hierarchy, to quickly guide users to Popular Data, Visualizations, and Dashboards.
Bookmarks—A time-saving feature tool in the platform that lets you save and reuse Datasets, Time Series, Dashboards, and Visualizations by clicking the Bookmark Icon and quick access to a user's favorite content without the need for extensive searching. The feature is available in both the Dashboard Builder and Create Presentation tool.
Bubble Chart—A variation of a Scatter Chart in which each data point is replaced with a bubble, and the size of the bubbles are scaled according to a dimension of the dataset. Just like a Scatter Chart, a Bubble Chart does not use a category axis — Horizontal and Vertical axes are both value axes.
Calculated Indicator, or Time Series—Created using custom calculations that the user specifies.
Calculation—Transformation of one or more Time Series into a new Time Series by means of formulas constructed by the user.
Chart—Information in the form of a Table, Graph, or Diagram. Common chart types available from Knoema: line, column/bar area, column/bar/area stacking, column/bar/area percentage stacking, spine, bubble, pie, and donut.
Config Button—Cogwheel.
Custom Indicator or Time Series—Created using custom calculations that the user specifies.
Dashboard—A page constructed of a variety of text, images, and visualizations to monitor or analyze an issue and/or related set of topics or otherwise present information. All Knoema gadgets may be integrated into a Dashboard and may be created by a user in the Dashboard Builder or added from a user’s “Favorites”.
Dashboard Builder—Interface through which one or more visualizations can be created--or inserted from Favorites--to create a Dashboard.
Dashboard Report—A visual representation of the selected dimension filter and appearance and also includes selected data updates.
Data Browser—A user-friendly tool that allows users to browse, search, and filter topics, sources, regions and visualize and analyze the data more easily. You can see this in Data Catalog.
Data Catalog—A page from which a user may view and access available datasets.
Data Source—An original Publisher/Owner of a specific Dataset; reference of citations.
Data Validation—Comparison between each data point in a Knoema dataset and the same data point on the Data Source site to remove any discrepancies.
Dataset—A collection of related data from a Data Source and consisting of Dimensions (such as variable, measure, time, etc.).
Dataset Attributes—Information about the original dataset source, its publication, and its next release date. Also includes the Dataset name and Description.
Dataset ID—Refers to the unique combination of letters and/or numbers in the URL of a dataset that directly follows *.com/. In the URL https://knoema.com/IMFWEOU2018Jul/, the dataset ID is IMFWEOU2018Jul. See also Page ID.
Dataset Version—Datasets are constantly updated at Knoema. Datasets can be updated in two ways: by adding new data to the existing dataset and by uploading a new dataset version. The first case takes place when there are no changes in the dataset structure. When the structure of the dataset is changed as a result of the update, then it is uploaded as a new version.
Dataset Viewer—A page from which a user may view the dimensions and time series that make up a dataset, all dataset attributes, and instant visualizations. Export, download, and sharing options are available as well as links to dashboards built on the dataset being viewed.
Dimension—List of items organized by meaning, which creates the structure of datasets. (Example: dimension Country which includes a list of countries; dimension Indicator which includes list of indicators)
Dimension Attributes—Additional information for specific dimensions and/or indicators within a dimension. Example attributes include: description, full name, code equivalent, and methodology note.
Dimension Filter—Only available when editing or customizing a visualization; allows user to select data to visualize, and create derived indicators.
Dimension Metadata—Descriptive additional information about the selected dimension used in data making, which makes it easier for users to understand and analyze the data. It is an important component that helps to ensure the accuracy and meaningfulness of the data.
Expected Next Release Date—Expected date that a dataset will next be updated by the Data Source based on information from the Source or Historical Update schedule.
External Data—Data or other information that was collected by an entity other than your own organization.
Feed—Option enabled to allow a user to follow and be notified of updates to a dataset or dashboard. Select the plus (+) sign in the left margin to follow the dataset/page you are on.
Flat Dataset—A type of dataset; that uses a single worksheet and is defined by a single row of column labels with rows containing the data. This type of dataset may be viewed in a table and is typical for mapping datasets.
Frequency—Units of time for data observations within a dataset. Knoema visualizations work with daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, and annual frequencies.
Gadget—Representation of information as data-based visualizations, infographic, text, or image; an element inside a dashboard.
Gallery—Collection of dashboards and other pages (Maps, Wikis, Presentations...); usually sorted by subtopics.
Geo Playground—Knoema’s custom mapping application; users may select from one or many datasets available from the data catalog and customize the appearance of the map icons and/or shading.Available to Knoema Enterprise clients.
Global Data Repository—Knoema.com's database; accessible by search to all Knoema users.
Grid—A visualization for viewing qualitative information in tabular form.
Grid Lines—Faint lines that appear between cells on an Excel or Google Sheets worksheet.
Hierarchy—The relative organization of data concepts so that one concept appears as the parent of one or many other data concepts; a dataset can include multiple concepts with independent hierarchies. For example: in the dimension "Location", Africa is the parent concept for 54 African countries; Kenya is the parent concept of 47 counties.
Indicator—A variable within a dataset with a specific value. Examples: Population; GDP growth; crude oil production.
Info Card—A specific gadget that displays an indicator name, unit of measure, and single value for one point in time in a square; user may select multiple indicators from a single dataset to display in a multi-square infocard. If a user selects multiple time periods, the indicator value will be proceeded with a colored arrow indicating direction of change for the data point between time periods.
Infographics—A large amount of data visually represented via a static image or compilation of images typically created by a graphic designer and/or using specialized design software; a visual representation of a data insight.
Industry Data Briefs—Curated data delivered in PDF format to subscribers who are professional or enterprise client. Each features the most popular statistics from trusted data sources globally as well as special dashboards for deeper coverage. Custom Data Briefs are available to Knoema Enterprise clients only.
Instant Answer—Instant answer is the most appropriate representation of the best result on your query. For example, the most appropriate representation of a result on a query “United States GDP” is a line chart, while on a query, “GDP” is - ranking of countries.
Knox Dataset—A type of dataset that uses multiple worksheets to establish the hierarchical structure of the dataset. Each combination of data attributes is unique time series; dataset composed of a minimum of three worksheets: metadata, dimensions, and data.
Layout—Dashboard templates specifying the initial arrangement of placeholders for adding text, charts, and images.
Legend—Visual definition of symbols and/or colors used in a visualization.
Localization—Translating from the original language of the user interface into additional user interface languages. Knoema supports 10 languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Hindi, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish. Customization of select UI elements, such as dataset tags, data source names, and others, as well as dual-language dashboards in bilingual data portals is available to Knoema Enterprise clients only.
Map—Illustration of data geographically; may use visualization tool or Knoema’s Geo Playground (Enterprise clients only).
Metadata—It is the information added to the data dimension where you will find the necessary details about the dataset.
Observations—Single data value within a time series for a specific date.
Page—Primarily refers to Dashboards, but also to presentations, geo playground maps, and wikis.
Page ID—Refers to the unique combination of letters and/or numbers in the URL of a dashboard, wiki page, or other page that directly follows *.com/. In the URL,https://knoema.com/infographics/wykvrtb, the page ID is wykvrtb. See also Dataset ID.
Parametrization—Linking of gadgets within a dashboard based on one more common data dimensions; enables one or more gadgets to change automatically when a user selects an option within a dimension. For example, a dashboard parameterized by {country} would allow a user to choose any country, and all parameterized visualizations would change to show data for the selected country. Requires use of Automatically Generated Titles.
Passport—Information card that opens when a user clicks on an icon on a Geo Playground map that conveys details about the map point. For example, a series of map markers for medical facilities globally might include for each facility: name, address, name of administrator, website, phone, email, capacity, specialities, and similar pertinent information. Passports may be customized to hide certain fields of information, reorder fields, and more. Passports may include images and links to dashboards with supporting information and data.
Pictogram—A type of chart in which data is represented by icons; the legend indicates how many units each icon represents.
Placeholder—An empty space in a dashboard reserved for any gadget type to be added.
Population Pyramid—A type of chart commonly used to represent the distribution of a population by age and gender at a specific point in time.
Portal—A web-based knowledge management system, typically available only to validated users and containing one more core features of Knoema’s data products and services.
Privacy Settings—This is a security setting for a dataset or dashboard permitting access to all users, specific user groups/individuals, or the originator only.
Private Dataset (or Dashboard)—A dataset or dashboard accessible to a specific individual or group of users within a system.
Proprietary Data—Private data that is not generally available for public use unless otherwise specified by the data owner.
Public Dataset (or Dashboard)—A dataset or dashboard that is accessible to all users within a system.
Publication Date—The date the Data Source released/published a dataset.
Ranking—A type of chart that automatically builds an ascending/descending list according to the values for a selected indicator or combination of indicators.
Regionless—Description for an indicator that is related to a topic but not to a specific geographic area.
Series—A unique combination of a single selection from each dataset dimension, including time. Each time series has Unit and Frequency attributes. As you make selections from each dimension in the data set viewer, the selected time series are displayed automatically.
Share—Accessed via the Share icon, it allows you to quickly copy a link to send to others. When sharing from Dataset Viewer, contrary to using the URL in the web browser address bar, the URL will capture the exact selections the user made in the dataset (Region, Indicator, Unit of Measure, etc.).
Tag—A single word or short phrase attached to a dataset or dashboard that categorizes it for sorting in gallery and discovery in search; term attached to data and content to support full functionality of the user interface.
Text Gadget—A type of gadget that allows you to draft and format text; gadget type permitting the use of HTML coding to create text-based tables.
Time Series—A unique combination of a single selection from each dataset dimension, including time. Each time series has Unit and Frequency attributes. As you make selections from each dimension in the data set viewer, the selected time series are displayed automatically.
Tree Map—Hierarchical data represented by a set of nested rectangles. Each branch of the tree is given a rectangle, which is then tiled with smaller rectangles representing sub-branches. Each leaf node is colored according to a separate dimension of the data.
Unit—A standard measurement of the value for an indicator. Examples: US dollars; Tonnes; % change.
User Interface—The interactive elements of an online workspace, including buttons, menus, search fields, visualization, and other tools.
Variable—A variable within a dataset with a specific value. Examples: Population; GDP growth; crude oil production.
Verified— The end result of a dataset management process to validate all dataset attributes and values for consistency with the original data source.
Visualization—A graphical representation of data; one type of Gadget.