You have entered your search request. Now what? For some searches, Knoema provides an instant answer. Our instant answers provide you with summary information on your search, including recent trends, and the ability to jump to ranking and map views of the result.
For example, if you search for “Mexico health expenditure per capita,” the Instant Answer informs you of the most recent expenditure level and growth trend as well as the definition of the concept. Directly below the Instant Answer, you may find other results related to your search.
If instead you searched for “health expenditure per capita” more generally, you would get a ranking of countries as an Instant Answer, including a table of historical data.
In general, search results are determined by the relevance of a dataset (or page), namely: dataset name, data source, other things like popularity, how often this dataset is updating, data freshness (date of last data available in dataset) etc. Tags and dataset descriptions do not affect search results directly; changing either of these will not affect the position of a dataset within search results.
Our search has special settings to feature datasets or data sources if a user searches for them explicitly.
If you have an active data atlas on your platform, country pages may also be featured as "Instant Answers".
I just ... created a dashboard ... uploaded a dataset ... how long until it shows up in search results?
It depends on the cache. Cache updates can take ~ 1 hour or less (there is no fixed time).
Why do some people get different search results than me?
As a system admin, you will see more results than non-admins because you have access to more resources.
Even among general users, results will vary, because individual users may have private data and content resources or resources shared to them by others that show up in their results.