The Admin Panel is accessible only to 'Managers' who have been approved for access. We strongly recommend limiting access to this area to a very narrow set of approved, trained users. The left panel provides navigation within this area to core manager functions.
During the setup of your system, Knoema will help guide you through selections in the admin area that you can always come back to and revise in the future. The most common set up selections include:
- Email for community contact. Who should be the general "Sender" of system emails and first point of contact? The owner of this email address will need to validate the e-mail address via a message that will be sent to it from AWS.
- Google Analytics ID. If you have a Google Analytics account, you get enter your account ID here to monitor usage statistics from Google Analytics.
- Default permissions. Should every user who registers be granted access immediately? And, if so, what role?
- Company/phone fields. When new users register, do you want them to have to provide their company name and phone?
- Allow comments. When users share data and content with each other, do you want them to be able to add a comment?
- General access. Should this portal be public and anyone with the URL can explore the data and resources?
- Publication permission. Should every user be able to create dashboards and presentations that all users on the system can view?
- Data manager. Will someone on your team who is not a manager on this platform need to review/approve custom datasets that your organization uploads to the system? If this option is activated, users will need this "role" assigned to them from the Admin > Users tab.
- Password policies. If your organization has specific policies regarding complexity, length, and duration of passwords, make adjustments here.
- If the landing page of your platform includes search examples, you can create and change those examples here.
- Create and modify here the suffix attached to exported data and content as well as watermarks. Available watermark placeholders are: {author}, {source} or {sourceUrl}, and {datetime}.
E-Mail Templates
- Set the tone for emails that are sent automatically when users register, share content, change passwords and more. You can also adjust the 'Sender' for each e-mail.
After your system is set up, managers commonly visit only a few areas:
Users. This section is where you can invite new users by e-mail, check the status and activity of specific users, modify users' roles, and download a complete list of users.
Datasets. This section includes a full list of datasets available on the platform and an option to download the complete list. This is helpful when reviewing existing data and considering other data integration that may be needed. You may also sign up here to receive weekly notifications of the expiration status of all system datasets. You can also monitor on-demand* requests, data health, and submit your alternative* data requests from this section.
* On-demand and Alternative Data may not be enabled on all systems. Please contact your Knoema representative for more information.
Analytics. Here you can access a dashboard with the latest usage statistics, including number of users, popular data and pages (by views and exports), and frequent searches. A dataset is accessible from here as well with other usage statistics for deeper analysis.