Your Knoema Enterprise subscription may include a specific level of support for data integration and maintenance as well as customized small group training. Contact your Knoema representative to learn more.
Yes! To upload your own data you must first put it into a specific format, depending on whether the data is flat or regular. Preparation instructions are available here for regular datasets and here for flat datasets. Once the data is in the correct format, you can upload it via API using the upload function in Knoema's python package.
Here's an example of how it might look in a Jupyter notebook. Note that in this example we used an argument to make the dataset 'public' within the system upon upload.
The upload function returns the dataset ID for the newly uploaded data, which you can view in Dataset Viewer.
Tip! If you wanted to later update the same dataset, you can pass the argument dataset="wwlmdif" rather than create a new dataset.