Note: this section applies to files already structured for a quick upload. If you are unsure if your file is in a readable structure, please refer to the help articles for preparing regular and flat datasets for upload.
Uploading your dataset to the portal begins with the launch of the data upload wizard from the system’s homepage. The Upload Data Tool is usually accessible from the Tools menu in the top banner of your system or from the top right drop down menu. You may also go directly to it via this link: /user/lightupload.
- We recommend using the link for Custom upload settings for all Flat datasets so that you can verify all metadata during the upload process.
- Choose Select file to upload and locate your file.
- You will receive a notice that ‘Verification has finished’ if you structured the data file correctly for the quick upload tool. Below that notice will be an interactive table that lists all aspects of your dataset will open. Review the Type and Statussettings to ensure the tool has accurately specified each column from your dataset. If not, change it manually.
Some general guidelines on Type and Status assignments:
- Members. This field previews what information is being processed in each row category. Pay attention to any field that has a mix of text and numbers. These fields must be assigned a Type of Text, not Measure.
- Dimension. The Status type Dimension will create that parameter as a dropdown menu option within the dataset for selection of data categories to visualize in the dataset browser. Only data rows in your spreadsheet that are complete—no data gaps—may be set as a Dimension.
- Detail. The Status type Detail is typically used for information that you would work with the grid visualization tool.
- Once you have verified the Type and Status for all rows of your dataset, fill empty fields:
Follow these guidelines to set the publication dates related to your dataset:
- Publication date. The date when the data was officially published by the original source. It must be a date in the past.
- Accessed on date. The date the data was retrieved from/created by the original data source. The Accessed on date must be after the publication date.
- Next release date. The next official publication date.
5. Then select Submit to complete the upload. An Update status report will pop up during the upload process followed by an Upload report in which a live link to your new dataset is included.
Note: during data upload and update processes, the email account attached to a user’s registration on the system will receive automatic notifications to update the user on the status. Successful uploads will result in an email that includes a hyperlink to the new dataset. Failed uploads result in an email that includes details about the reason(s) for the failure.