This section will provide basic guidelines for you to prepare your Flat dataset for upload.
Flat dataset implies that all data (observations or records) are in one worksheet. The Excel file must have the required columns: dimension, value and date (download sample file here).
Dimension (Indicator). Column with text data (like region, trade flow, commodities etc.).
Date (Time). Dates should be in one of the following formats. Use the statistical format of dates for different frequencies:
- Years: 2009, 2010, 2011
- Half years: 2009H1, 2013H2
- Quarters: 2009Q1, 2010Q3, 2012Q4
- Months: 2009M2, 2011M7
Value (Measure). If needed, units may be added as a separate column. Name the column Unit.
Note: Your worksheet cannot contain any error values (Inf or NaN, for example) or the file will fail to upload.