If you want to add datasets to your catalog from the Knoema.com collection, most systems have two options: Add datasets through the admin panel or enable the 'on demand' feature so all users can request datasets that appear when they search for data.
Adding Data from the Admin Panel
From your admin panel, go to Datasets > On Demand > Request Data from Knoema. You can browse to identify the data you need by source, topic, and the like.
- If the data terms of use are not compatible with commercial enterprise systems, the dataset will show a red icon. In these instances, Knoema can help you learn more about the terms of use and potentially contact that vendor on your behalf.
- You will also see a standard 'additional fees may apply' notification. Depending on the terms of your contract with Knoema, you may incur additional fees for data. Knoema will respond promptly to assist.
Enable 'On Demand' Data
You may elect to enable 'on demand' data from Admin > Search.
When users search for data, relevant results from the Knoema.com will be mixed in with results from your system's catalog. These dataset options appear faded and are indicated with a cloud icon.
Users can then click to request access.
As an admin, you will receive notification for each request by email and will see pending requests in Admin > Datasets > On Demand.
You will know who requested, what data, at what date/time, and the category of data. The category information is important so that you will know if that category of data is covered by your contract with Knoema or will incur additional fees.
You can view the full history of datasets requests as well as if they were accepted or rejected (and by whom) from Admin > Datasets > History