Include an optional modifier in the formulas for KNOEMA.GET, KNOEMA.GETDATES, or KNOEMA.GETA to control whether values will be inserted as columns (add modifier "@cols") or rows (add modifier "@rows").
If included, this modifier ("@cols" or "@rows") is inserted as if it were a separate parameter between the transform parameter and the dimensions. If no modifier is specified, the values will be returned in the orientation specified in your settings.
For example, to fetch time series data and metadata, in rows, use: =KNOEMA.GETA(datasetId, dates, transform, "@rows", dimensions...).
Set your default orientation (row or column) in the settings - check or un-check ‘Insert time-series as columns’, accessed from the cog icon in the lower right corner of the DataFinder panel. Upon refresh, this option will apply to ALL formulas that do now have a @rows or @cols modifier.